Welcome to my Blog! :)

Welcome to my blog!!!

This blog was created so that all of you; my dear friends and family, would be able to follow my abroad adventures...
I was on International Exchange in Wales, UK from Sept. 20, 2010-June 10th, 2011. I also spent an amazing 3 months on International Internship in Tortuguero-Costa Rica, working with COTERC for the Conservation and Monitoring of Marine Turtles
from June 14th-Sept 14th, 2011...

Here are the stories...enjoy :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Back home...

They said that the first few weeks upon returning home would be the toughest to handle....they are.  It's been now two weeks since Im back home in Toronto, and I find myself a little bit lost...lost in my thoughts, feelings and memories....sometimes even a little alone.  It's great to be with the family, that's the good part, I love them so much.  When one is away, we feel as if it is only our life that changes...but everyone else's life goes on as well...my family, my nephews, they've all gone through things that I was not there to see happen except through pictures...well, now Im here.

Anyway....yesterday all returning summer internship students got together, and we had a dinner and debrief meeting; it was short, but pleasant.  We shared some of our experiences and soon realized that we're all going through an adjustment period at this moment...which is a little tough.  I got to spend some time with Alex and Danai, two great guys who worked with me during our internship in Tortuguero,Costa Rica for 3 months.  I'm lucky that the company that I worked with "COTERC" is actually Canadian...so I have already been able to see a few of the people back here whom I worked with over there, six so far, and I still hope to see the rest at some point.

As you already know...I didn't just do this 3 month internship, but I was away for 9 months prior to that in Europe.  After a whole year of being abroad, so many places visited, many newly found lifelong friends, and beautiful memories, where do I go from here?  Who knows.
I am taking things one day at a time and dealing with many feelings, some good some bad.  I like to concentrate on the good of course.  I'm a little nervous and uncertain about the future, but always keeping a possitive attitude with optimism.  I love life and I intend to live it fully.  We gotta teach ourselves to make the most of the present, cause we sometimes tend to dwell in the past, or look too far into the future, which is good to prepare for of course..but...it's so unpredictable, that we can't plan everything, we shouldn't, cause one never knows what may cross our path...and when those moments do come along, it's time to make decisions.  That is how we build our life, by making those important, life altering decisions.

I'll be graduating from my International BA this year 2011/2012. To me, this is a great accomplishment and Im very proud of myself for having come this far (although I still have 6 more months to go)...time flies, take it from me...I still feel 20!
I am glad I did all this, deciding to go back to studies in my late 20's and getting involved in these two unbelievable abroad experiences...I feel lucky.
I think there are a few people who I should thank for being possitive influences, for believing in me, and for understanding when they didn't agree on my decisions.  As I always say...people are always put in our path for a reason, we become who we are, with the influence of others, and luckily, I've surrounded myself with wonderful people....they've helped me grow as a person, even if they don't know it...I will thank them, one by one.

Life, life, life...Im letting mine be run by love, professionally, personally....always.  I really believe that if I continue to do this, whatever life brings will be no less than an amazing journey..and I can't wait to start it.  Cause, the 20's were great!!!, but they say life begins at 30...right?? lol  Well, off to a great start :)...two years down, many more to go, we'll see what comes my way...love perhaps?

Maybe I will write another blog....


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